pegi prague from 24th May to 27th May.. Plan was made by Fakhrul Radhi and it was so great. I mean apart from the boys and the senior. So kitorang g sane 13 org. Ramai and dats what makes this trip sometimes annoying me.. Ye r. Kene ikot kepale tiap sorg. Ade plak yg xnk pk pape. Ikot jek.Tp sume nk merungut. Asyik pk nk mkn jek. Aduh, org len pn lapa gak cik abang. Tapi pape pn, sume bes. dpt gak beli souvenior ntk family.. Looking forward to another trip ^_^
Fantastic website, I had not noticed previously in my searches!
Carry on the fantastic work!
Wow neat! This is a really great site! I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
like this in the past? Keep up the great work!
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