Welcome to the new World

"Yo, welcome to the new world, new beginnin
A new way to play, a new way a livin
Cash is the past, a new way a spendin
New life for man, children, and women"

This is how I start my new life. It is time to forget about the past and move on to future. Untuk kawan-kawan especially Elly, Masyi dan Fakhrul, thank you so much for being there for me for the past four years. 

Offenburgers ALG 11

"Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
your heart is true you're a pal and a confidant"

Tanpa korang, saya tak tahu dapat lalui tempoh yang panjang tu ke tak. Thank you sebab dapat share happiness, stress fail exam, sadness sebab homesick, makanan yang korang masak are always the best (beside mom's cook :) ) . Lepas ni, dah tak ade kawan yg gile2, bising, moody macam Elli, tak ada kawan yg tlong bukakkn botol air, yg msk western food cam Masyi, kawan yg boleh dtg macam Superman bile2 mase jek macam Gandi. After ni, semua kene tanggungjawab sendiri. tapi saya harap, friendship kita tak terputus sampai sini. 

Dear Fakhrul, Elly and Masyi, 

Thank you for being there for me when I need you. It's so amazing to have someone to lean on, to draw strength from, to share my life with.

Thank you for loving me, even when I'm being impossible and grumpy. For offering your unconditional support. 

Thank you for standing with me when I need you to. Behind me when I need a push. In front of me when I need someone to follow. You've always knew how to cheer me up when I'm down.

I'll always remember the times we laughed so hard, we couldn't stop. The memories, the fun, the moments, the laughs, the jokes and all the times we got busted, I'll never forget them.

I know we argued sometimes but that only made our friendship stronger. As long as we are living, no matter when or where, if you ever need me just call and I'll be there because you've been there for me. Of all the friends I've ever met, you're the one I won't forget.

Love you.

Mira aka Syai

InsyaAllah, saya akan habiskan Master dengan cemerlang.

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